Monthly Summary
20 Sep 2024 02:41 UTC 2024264+02:41 UTC
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185: Nueces Bay

27° 49' 57" N   97° 29' 9" W
The Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program

Monthly Summary - Jan 2010 updated 2010306+2042 by dmartin
All Months - Graph Data
Month graph

Month Statistics

Good values       1045 ( 14.0%)    Computed Grade: F
Missing values    4787 ( 64.3%)    Assigned Grade: 
Removed values    1608 ( 21.6%)

Highest elev.   mm (ft) on 09/20 02.6
Lowest elev.     mm (ft) on 09/20 02.6

Data Gaps [ 0 ] show | hide

From To Points Hours Days Percent

Tides, High and Low Waters

Day  High  Low Day  High  Low
TimeHeight TimeHeight TimeHeight TimeHeight
01         16        
02         17        
03         18        
04         19        
05         20        
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13         28        
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Monthly Means

Not yet published
Page last modified on May 15, 2009, at 10:09 AM
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