19 Sep 2024 22:50 UTC 2024263+22:50 UTC
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243: Oso Creek Water Level Station #2

27° 41' 19" N   97° 25' 45" W
City of Corpus Christi Salinity Monitoring Salinity

Station Information

Oso Creek Water Level Station #2
Oso Creek Water Level Station #2
more pictures
Station Name:Oso Creek Water Level Station #2
DNR ID:243
Location:27° 41' 19" N, 97° 25' 45" W

Station was temporarily removed due to construction to widen Oso Creek and expand the Oso Creek overpass on FM 43. Station will be reinstalled as soon as construction is complete.

Water Level Forecasts

Latest Observations

Series Metric English Marine Observed at
Air Gap 3.098 m 10.16 ft 10.16 ft Sep 19 22:30 UTC
00h06m ago
Precipitation 0 mm 0.0 in 0.0 in Sep 19 22:30 UTC
00h06m ago
Air Temperature 31.1 °C 88.0 °F 88.0 °F Sep 19 22:30 UTC
00h06m ago
Barometric Pressure 1009.0 millibars 29.80 in Hg 29.80 in Hg Sep 19 22:30 UTC
00h06m ago
Relative Humidity 74.6 % 74.6 % 74.6 % Sep 19 22:30 UTC
00h06m ago
0 mm 0.0 in 0.0 in Sep 19 22:30 UTC
00h06m ago


Oso Creek Water Level Station #2
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Entire Network

Recent Observations

Date/Time Air
Gap (ft)
Height (ft)
rain (in) Air
Temp (°F)
Press (in Hg)
rlh (%) CC
Rain (in)
Sep 19 22:00 UTC 10.25 0.0 88.5 29.80 73.4 0.0
Sep 19 21:00 UTC 10.47 0.0 89.4 29.83 73.7 0.0
Sep 19 20:00 UTC 10.61 0.0 86.7 29.83 77.7 0.0
Sep 19 19:00 UTC 10.84 0.0 86.5 29.85 75.6 0.0
Sep 19 18:00 UTC 10.89 0.0 87.4 29.85 83.6 0.0
Sep 19 17:00 UTC 10.85 0.0 86.2 29.88 79.2 0.0
Sep 19 16:00 UTC 10.77 0.0 83.7 29.88 82.1 0.0
Sep 19 15:00 UTC 10.74 0.0 86.9 29.85 76.9 0.0
Sep 19 14:00 UTC 10.81 0.0 85.6 29.85 85.2 0.0
Sep 19 13:00 UTC 10.87 0.0 82.8 29.83 92.7 0.0
Sep 19 12:00 UTC 10.88 0.0 82.0 29.83 93.2 0.0
Sep 19 11:00 UTC 10.83 0.0 82.0 29.83 93.0 0.0
Sep 19 10:00 UTC 10.77 0.0 81.7 29.83 92.5 0.0
Sep 19 09:00 UTC 10.72 0.0 81.9 29.83 91.3 0.0
Sep 19 08:00 UTC 10.65 0.0 81.5 29.83 90.3 0.0
Sep 19 07:00 UTC 10.59 0.0 81.7 29.83 88.6 0.0
Sep 19 06:00 UTC 10.52 0.0 82.6 29.85 87.9 0.0
Sep 19 05:00 UTC 10.47 0.0 83.1 29.83 86.5 0.0
Sep 19 04:00 UTC 10.42 0.0 83.3 29.83 85.3 0.0
Sep 19 03:00 UTC 10.40 0.0 83.5 29.83 85.9 0.0
Sep 19 02:00 UTC 10.38 0.0 83.7 29.80 83.6 0.0
Sep 19 01:00 UTC 10.38 0.0 84.6 29.80 83.1 0.0
Sep 19 00:00 UTC 10.37 0.0 86.0 29.80 78.4 0.0
Sep 18 23:00 UTC 10.45 0.0 87.3 29.77 73.4 0.0
Sep 18 22:00 UTC 10.53 0.0 88.3 29.77 71.1

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Page last modified on May 15, 2009, at 10:09 AM
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